Lectures: on Tuesdays, 8:15-9:45 , lecture hall 0-805 ‘Fejér Lipót’
- On Tuesdays 14.15-15.45, South building 2-219 (Graphics lab — Grafika labor) or
- On Fridays 8.30-10.00 North Building 7.89-90 Bosch lab or
- On Fridays 12.15-13.45 North Building 7.89-90 Bosch lab
- Levente Hajder
- Tamás Tófalvi
- Tarlan Ahadli
Dates for Assignment Presentation (MS Teams)
- 19th December, 14:00 MS Teams
- 2nd January, 14:00 MS Teams
- 9th January, 14:00 MS Teams
- 22nd January, 10:00 MS Teams
- 30th January, 14:00 MS Teams
Dates for Oral Exams
Location: ELTE South Building, room 0-222
- 20th December, 10:00 (in person)
- 3rd January, 10:00 (in person)
- 10th January, 10:00 (in person)
- 22nd January, 14:00 (in person)
- 31st January, 10:00 (in person)
Timetable of the semester
Course materials:
- Derivatives with respect to vectors
- Lagrange multiplier
- Robust model fitting: RANSAC
- Multi-model fitting
- Camera models
- RQ-factorization
- Numerical optimization
- Point Registration
Materials for practices:
- GUI by OpenCV
- Affine transformations
- Random Sampling Consensus (RANSAC)
- Point Visualisation
- Multi-model fitting
- Homography Estimation
- Camera Calibration (obsolete)
- Camera Calibration New
- Stereo Vision
- Mid-point Triangulation
- Tomasi-Kanade factorization
- Point Registration
- Object Detection on LiDAR point clouds
- Chessboard-based calibration (obsolete)
Videos for the labs can be downloaded from here.
Latest version of OpenCV can be downloaded from project’s website or our page.
Questions for the oral exam:
- Basic estimation theory: solution for homogeneous and inhomogeneous linear system of equations.
- Robust fitting methods: RANSAC, LO-RANSAC.
- Multi-model fitting: sequential RANSAC, MultiRANSAC
- Camera models: perspective camera, orthogonal projection, weak-perspective camera.
- Calibration of perspective camera using a spatial calibration object: Estimation and decomposition of projection matrix.
- Chessboard-based calibration of perspective cameras. Radial and tangential distortion.
- Plane-plane homography. Panoramic images by homographies.
- Estimation of homography. Data normalization.
- Basics of epipolar geometry. Essential and fundamental matrices. Rectification.
- Estimation of essential and fundamental matrices. Data normalization. Decomposition of essential matrix.
- Triangulation for both standard and general stereo vision.
- Stereo vision for planar motion.
- Tomasi-Kanade factorization: multi-view reconstruction by orthogonal and weak-perspective camera models.
- Reconstruction by merging stereo reconstructions. Registration of two point sets by a similarity transformation.
- Numerical multi-view reconstruction: bundle adjustment.
Tomasi-Kanade factorization with missing data.Reconstruction by special devices: laser scanning, depth camera, LiDAR
Assignments (Obsolete — 2022 fall)
1.Point Cloud Colouring (30%)
A LiDAR device and a digital camera are given. They are calibrated to each other. The aim of this assignment is to merge information from different sensors.
LiDAR gives 3D coordinates without colours. The colours can be added from the camera images.
The transformation from LiDAR to camera is written as R^T*p_l+ t = p_c. (R^T is the transpose of R) In the formula, p_c and p_l are the camera and lidar 3D coordinates, respectively. Intrinsic and extrinsic parameters, with respect to LiDAR, for all cameras are given in a text file.
Colour the LiDAR points that are visible in camera images. If a point is in the backside of all cameras, its colour should be black. If a point is visible in more than one image, set the average of the colours.
There are three different scenes. Save the colour point clouds into PLY files.
Upload the resulting files and your implementation to Canvas in a zip file.
2. Inverse Perpsective Mapping (40%)
Compute birds’-eye view image by Inverse Perspective Mapping (IPM).
Four cameras and a LiDAR are mounted to ELTECar. The documentation of the sensor kit is available at http://cv.inf.elte.hu/wp-content/uploads/2022/10/sensor-pack-summary.docxLinks to an external site.. Only the two frontal cameras should be processed, the other cameras with fisheye lenses and the LiDAR should be omitted.
We put markers in front of the car, the recorded images containing the markers can be seen at our webpageLinks to an external site.. The markers form a 3×2 grid, the edge size of the grid is regular (3 meters).
Your task is threefold:
- Stitch the two frontal images to each other by a homography. You can use manual marker selection to collect data for homography estimation. (5%)
- Transform the stitched image in order to get a birds’-eye view. In the new view, the distances between the markers should be regular. Select the new viewpoint and set the edge size of the marker grid to 50+3*N where N is the day of your birthday. Thus, N={1,…31}. (20%)
- Take at least three sequences from the Bosch-ELTE dataset (Links to an external site.). Generate a video using OpenCV (https://docs.opencv.org/4.6.0/dd/d9e/classcv_1_1VideoWriter.html#a3115b679d612a6a0b5864a0c88ed4b39 (Links to an external site.)) from the new virtual birds’-eye view images. Remark that each zip contains more than ten sequences, you should select only three out of those. (15%)
Upload at least ten images of the resulting video and the source codes to CANVAS. Save and store the final videos as you should show them in the final presentation. Do not upload the videos to CANVAS, please.
Remark that you can also download the data files from our alternative webpage.
3. Planar Motion (30%)
Implement the special stereo algorithm for planar motion. It is written in the end of the second presentation. Implement a RANSAC framework for which two points are required to get the initial (minimal) model. Put the planar stereo algorithm into your own RANSAC framework. Apply point-epipolar lines (symmetric) distances to separate outliers and inliers.
Input image pairs can be downloaded from here. Apply any kind of feature detectors and matchers, like ASIFT, to obtain point pairs. Run the RANSAC+Planar method for the five image pairs and estimate the dominant motion parameters. Write the extrinsic parameters to a file.
Upload the implementation and the parameter files to CANVAS. At least two good results are required to get the maximal score.
The cameras are calibrated, the intrinsic camera parameters are as follows:
DEV1 Intrinsics:
– fx = 1280.7
– fy = 1281.2
– [u0, v0] = [969.4257, 639.7227]
| 1280.7 0.0 969.4257 |
K =| 0.0 1281.2 639.7227 |
| 0.0 0.0 1.0 |
DEV2 Intrinsics:
– fx = 1276.1
– fy = 1275.4
– [u0, v0] = [965.9650, 618.2222]
| 1276.1 0.0 965.9650 |
K = | 0.0 1275.4 618.2222 |
| 0.0 0.0 1.0 |
Final grade
The final grade is the sum of oral exam (max. 100%) and assignment scores.
Thresholds for marks as follows:
- Excellent (5): >=170%
- Good (4): 140-169%
- Satisfactory (3): 110-139%
- Pass (2): 80-109%
- Fail (1): 0-79%